Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy
XploreAgile recognises that providing equality of opportunity, valuing diversity, and promoting a culture of inclusion is vital to our success.
We want our staff, associates, and participants to reflect the diversity of the regional, national, and international communities that we serve and influence. We aim to be a place where people can freely be themselves no matter their identity or background.
By creating a working, learning, and social environment where individuals can fully utilise their skills and talents without fear of prejudice or harassment, we aim to create a culture where everyone can reach their fullest potential.
We will ensure that equality is embedded in all of our activities, policies, and decisions and will work with our partners to share good practices. Key to this is our commitment to implementing a programme of activity to progress our equality aims and objectives.
- Complying with legal obligations in a transparent manner
- Developing diversity objectives
- Assessing the impact of policies and practices to identify, remove or mitigate any disadvantage to underrepresented groups
- Taking measures to eliminate discrimination
- Taking action to redress any gender, racial or other imbalance, including monitoring the recruitment and progress of all students and staff, collecting and collating equalities information and data, and acting on any inequality revealed by the data.
- Fostering good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not
- Promoting awareness and understanding of EDI matters among staff and students through policies, training, guidance, and campaigns
- Engaging with staff and students in respect of changes that may affect their employment or study
- Ensuring that existing staff and students, as well as applicants to work or study, are treated fairly and judged solely on merit and by reference to their skills and abilities
- Raising awareness of our policies and commitment with external suppliers, associates, contractors, and partners and encouraging them to follow similar good practice
- Ensuring our facilities are, as far as reasonably possible, welcoming and accessible to all
- Making sure reasonable adjustments are made, as appropriate, to enable disabled staff and students to overcome barriers in the working, learning, and social environment
- Requiring that learning and teaching material, where practical, includes positive, diverse, non-stereotypical content
- Ensuring staff and students are provided with appropriate tools so that they feel confident to discuss issues and raise any concerns
- Dealing with potential and actual acts of discrimination, harassment, and bullying appropriately under relevant University policy and taking appropriate action where necessary
- Consulting with staff and students on issues through existing mechanisms